Friday, April 27, 2018

Wilbur Ross is Really Edna Hogenson

Remember Edna Hogenson from The Incredibles? I do. I've discovered what she's been doing in her off-screen time: Moonlighting as Wilbur Ross.

It's either that or she's his doppelganger, but I like the idea that Wilbur is a cross-dressing character in the Incredibles (or vice-versa).

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Trumpkin Paradox.

It's impossible to know which pumpkin head preceded the other. The juxtaposition resolves the paradox by authoritatively stating that both concurrently exist in order for us to laugh at both.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tombstones for an Administration

They've just completed the tombstones for Donald's administration. Here's a sneak peek.